Improve Returns and Reduce Risk For Your Fund

AI-driven, dynamic sector classification
for Institutional Investors

  • 1500 Common and Emerging Sectors
  • Dynamic Relevance Scores
  • Smart Portfolio Tools
  • Portfolio Analysis
  • Multiparent Interdisciplinary Sectors

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The DCSC Platform

A short journey through the most advanced sector classification system on the market

A Straightforward Platform for Better Research and Better Returns
The Full Platform Experience
Custom Drop-in Widgets
Precisely Control and Manage
the Data
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The Essential Tool for Institutional Investors

Get A Fuller Picture of Companies in Your Fund
  • 1500 sectors with new and emerging sectors added regularly
  • Multiple and interconnected Company-Sector relations
  • DCSC Relevance Scores indicate the degree of relatedness
  • AI and ML ensure Relevance Scores are always up-to-date, even as the economy and as companies change

Highlight Diversification and Exposure Risks

Avoid overexposure to sectors and identify underexposed sectors across 4 levels
Find Companies In 1500+ Traditional and Emerging Industries
From Utilities to Generative AI - Sets of companies for your long- and short-term mandates in a click
Monitor News and Major Players in Every Industry
Track news, sentiment, and the most relevant companies in the sectors that your fund covers
Rebalance Quarterly, Annually, or Continuously
Relevance Scores to inform reallocation events as companies and the economy change
Performance and Risk Statistics at a Glance
Find stability or pursue growth opportunities for your investors' money
Monitor Emergent Trends For New Sectors
Simply observe or get involved in emerging sectors while they are still developing
Give Your Fund and Your Clients an Edge on the Markets

Ready to dive deep into the analysis? CityFALCON, the creator of DCSC and DCSC Smart Portfolios, has all the due diligence information you need for more thorough due diligence and investment analysis.

  • Relevant News
  • Highly Customisable Filters
  • Sentiment Analysis and Trends
  • Regulatory Filing
  • Investor Relations Documents and Files
  • Insider and Institutional Transaction Data and Charts
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