Traditional sector classification systems have long been instrumental in systematically organising entities and information. However, these static frameworks often must accommodate swiftly changing emerging sectors and technological breakthroughs. A key challenge lies in their inability to effectively assimilate disruptive innovation, as the systems are grounded in established industries but may need to consider novel technologies or business models. This slow adaptation delays classifying new fields and the lack of nuance can obscure the complexities within interdisciplinary areas.

Let’s discuss 5 sectors that traditional classification systems tend to overlook or poorly represent:

  • Artificial Intelligence – with the ability to learn and replicate human cognition, stands as a prime example of a sector in its own right that traditional classification systems struggle to categorise
  • Automation – enhances efficiency in manufacturing and logistics by automating repetitive tasks
  • Quantum Computing – leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, promises a computing revolution beyond current capabilities
  • FinTech – through digital innovations, is reshaping the financial landscape and transforming the circulation of money and funds
  • Nanotechnology – manipulates matter at atomic levels with far-reaching applications across many sectors

These sectors continue to rise and mature, which underscores the demand for more flexible and adaptive contemporary classification systems. As we navigate future trends influenced by these emerging technologies, market participants need classification systems that keep pace with transformation and progress.

Let’s explore each sector and the challenges they pose to traditional classification systems, then see how we may be able to meet these challenges.


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence encompas machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), and LLMs (large language models, a recently popular example of AI), which emulate human intelligence through sophisticated computer systems. AI has seamlessly integrated into diverse sectors of an interdisciplinary nature that often transcend traditional classification boundaries, functioning as powerful tools and autonomous systems. These applications include data analysis, predictive analytics, automation, robotics, machine vision, natural language understanding, personalisation, and virtual assistants.

These transformative developments highlight the need for more agile classification frameworks to address the expanding AI landscape effectively. As AI continues to permeate various aspects of society, existing classification systems should adapt, tracking the potential benefits and associated risks so investors and business can be better informed. Ethical considerations, regulation, privacy, and security are also crucial aspects to consider as AI innovation progresses, and governments and regulators could use a powerful classification system that views AI as its own industry.



Automation, a pivotal element within Industry 4.0, seamlessly integrates control systems and information technology to minimise human involvement. This integration significantly enhances efficiency, precision, and productivity across various industries. Robotic automation optimises assembly lines in manufacturing, while AI-driven quality checks bolster productivity. Similarly, automated chatbots and financial analytics accelerate service-related tasks in the service sector. The wide array of automation technologies, from primary programmable logic controllers to advanced AI systems, underscores its broad applicability and impact.

As further examples, industries (such as healthcare) have improved with automated medical image analysis and medication dispensing. At the same time, precision agriculture benefits from innovative technology-driven farming practices leveraging big data and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors. Notable examples, such as Amazon’s warehouse robots streamlining logistics, Tesla’s autonomous vehicles in automotive, and IoT-enabled predictive maintenance in energy, illustrate automation’s potential for cost reduction, operational efficiency, and novel capabilities. From manufacturing robotics to AI-driven decision-making tools, these advancements are reshaping sector contours and pushing the boundaries of innovation in quality control, process enhancement, and beyond.

Yet, traditional classification systems narrowly classify companies, generally skipping automation in most companies that support automation as an industry.


Quantum Computing

Quantum computing, an emerging field that challenges conventional classification systems, taps into the principles of quantum mechanics to tackle intricate computational tasks beyond the scope of classical computers. By leveraging phenomena such as superposition and entanglement, quantum bits or qubits can process multiple states concurrently, facilitating parallel processing with potential implications in areas like cryptography, drug discovery, and financial optimisation. Notable quantum algorithms, like Shor’s for encryption-breaking and Grover’s for accelerated search, exemplify the promise of quantum methods.

Innovative strides by industry pioneers like IBM Q Experience, Google Quantum AI, and D-Wave Systems propel hardware and software development, giving rise to preliminary commercial applications. These include optimising logistics through quantum simulations, advancing drug discovery, and ensuring secure communication with quantum cryptography. The concept of a quantum internet further anticipates unparalleled network capabilities.

As quantum computing continues to break computational barriers, it is reshaping sectors like healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity, highlighting the need for updated classification frameworks to capture its transformative impact effectively. With ongoing research and breakthroughs, this disruptive technology holds immense potential for revolutionising various industries and problem-solving landscapes. With that in mind, quantum computing is its own sector and investors should be able to monitor it as a single sector without guessing at which companies are involved.


Financial Technology (Fintech)

Financial Technology, and in particular the newer industry focused on integrating tech into finance rather than treating tech as secondary, integrates advanced technology into financial services, challenging conventional banking with faster, cost-effective, and user-friendly alternatives. It encompasses mobile banking, digital finance, blockchain, crowdfunding, and robo-advisory, among other sectors.

FinTech breakthroughs, exemplified by peer-to-peer lending platforms and e-commerce integration payment platforms, are revolutionising the financial sector. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are fundamentally altering asset management and revolutionising cross-border payments.

The rapid proliferation of FinTech startups often blurs their classification within traditional financial sector boundaries, blending aspects of banking, insurance, and investment services. This ambiguity presents regulatory challenges, highlighting the need for updated taxonomies to accommodate emerging business models and technologies like RegTech. Notable examples include Robinhood’s commission-free trading app, which democratises stock investing, and Ripple’s blockchain platform, which streamlines cross-border transactions. 

Traditional classification systems tend to misrepresent these, making the jobs of regulators and investors more difficult.



Nanotechnology, manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular scale, is driving breakthroughs across medicine, electronics, and materials science. Leveraging unique properties at the nanoscale enables targeted drug delivery, smaller and faster electronic devices, and innovative solutions to environmental challenges. However, responsible development and ethical considerations are vital to harnessing its potential while ensuring safety and addressing societal concerns.

In the energy sector, nanotechnology contributes to solar cells with increased efficiency, novel fuel catalysts, and high-capacity batteries for sustainable power storage. It enables stronger and lighter nanostructured materials, impacting the construction and aerospace industries. Additionally, in regards to the environment, nanoparticles can assist in pollution cleanup.

The interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology poses classification challenges, complicating regulation, standardisation, and safety assessments for policymakers. Breakthroughs like graphene, a super-strong and highly conductive material with potential applications in electronics and energy storage, indicate the field’s promise. Self-assembling nanostructures also hold great potential for transforming drug delivery and manufacturing processes.

Nanotechnology-driven targeted cancer treatments exemplify its capacity to improve treatment effectiveness while minimising side effects. Quantum dots, with their unique optical properties at the nanoscale and biosensors for precise health monitoring, are among the advancements that foreshadow a seamless future of technology integration.

As research expands the boundaries of nanotechnology, its influence across sectors will deepen, transforming various fields and shaping a future where technology is intricately woven into daily life.


Traditional Systems Falling Short

Above we examined five dynamic sectors that often escape conventional classification systems. These sectors are characterised by interdisciplinary innovations, blurring traditional category boundaries. This challenges established sector frameworks like ISIC and NAICS, which do not keep pace with rapidly evolving technologies. In addition, the one-company-one-sector relationship and the one-parent-to-a-child hierarchy within the traditional sector systems further complicate the classification of industries. 

Adapting classification methodologies to accommodate rapid technological advancements is critical, as these systems directly influence policy-making, investment decisions, and market analysis. Disregarding industry evolution can lead to misrepresenting or underestimating these sectors’ true potential and impact, as well as overlooking risks for investors, companies, governments, and society.

DCSC (Dynamic Company Sector Classification) is an innovative concept that addresses these challenges. It is a flexible, responsive, and adaptable system that employs data-driven methodologies, machine learning algorithms, and expert input to classify emerging industries as they evolve.



Dynamic Company Sector Classification (DCSC) represents a paradigm shift in categorising industries, particularly those experiencing rapid evolution and innovation, such as AI, Automation, Quantum Computing, FinTech, and Nanotechnology. Traditional classification systems do not keep pace with these sectors’ dynamic nature, as they rely on static frameworks that are slow to update and lack granularity. In contrast, DCSC offers a modern solution by providing adaptability and real-time updates, enabling it to reflect the current state of these industries in context and accurately.

Moreover, DCSC’s dynamic, constantly updated relevance scores serve as a core strength, which, when coupled with multi-parent relationships, allows for a more nuanced understanding of sectors and subsectors. These strengths facilitate more precise analysis, decision-making, and research, empowering stakeholders to identify emerging trends, opportunities, and risks.

DCSC distinguishes itself through its adaptability, granularity, and inclusion of emerging sectors. The real-time updates and granular categorisation ensure industries like AI, Automation, and Nanotechnology are accurately represented amidst their rapid evolution. Its nuanced presentation of subsectors facilitates precise analysis and decision-making. And, of course, better understanding leads to better returns, better policies, better risk management, and better economic output.

That understanding need not come at a high price. Beyond DCSC’s strengths as a sector classification system, its provenance as the product of a small tech startup means it is affordable to smaller players and large institutions alike.

So who uses DCSC? Businesses could benefit from DCSC’s insights to inform strategic planning and market positioning. Investors and financial institutions could leverage DCSC to identify investment opportunities, assess market trends, and support due diligence. Research institutions and academia could utilise granular categorisation and real-time updates to conduct in-depth studies, analyse industry dynamics, and explore emerging technologies. Government agencies and policymakers could use DCSC to inform regulatory frameworks, support economic development initiatives, and promote innovation in critical sectors.

Could DCSC suit your needs? Explore the platform further and decide for yourself.